Monday, January 25, 2010

10 Things That Make Me Happy

A friend of mine did this post yesterday and although I was not tagged to do it she did leave it open to all to do. Particularly at this time I feel this was a goo dpost for the day as some days it is hard to find the happy!

1) Sleeping In . . . although sleeping in for me is not considered noon or anything, I do enjoy getting to sleep in till 8:30 or 9:00 on occasion.

2) Reading with Kindergarten Kids . . . last year I started volunteering in Chase's kindergarten classroom and this year I am doing the same in Mackenzie's classroom, it is such a joy to see the thrill of success in the eyes of these 5 & 6 year olds and they begin to read - this is a happy part of every school day for me

3) Date Night with Hubby & No Kids . . . don't get me wrong, I love my kids but they are at the fast food and cartoon age and once in a while I do enjoy to each out at a restaurant that doesn't have a drive-through window and to see a movie with real people in it! Nothing feels like the love of a man who truly considers you his Cinderella!

4) Cooking . . . I love to cook and truly enjoy the thrill of finding a good new recipe that is a hit with the family.

5) A Day at the Beach in Chelan During the Summer With Girlfriends & Kids . . . several years ago there was a Kid's Club started with severl Moms in Chelan before our kids were in school, suring the summer we enjoy at least one long afternoon a week at the beach at Lakeside or at State Park with the kids frolicking in the water and the Mom's enjoying the sun and one another's company

6) Family . . . I enjoy all of my extended family and the time that we get to spend with them, after the recent loss of my mother-in-law, it is a renewed commitment with me to spend more time with family as it has not always been prioritized high enough and you never know what life has in store for anyone.

7) Friends . . . particularly by BFF Jill, it is such a wonderful feeling to have the love and friendship unconditionally of a person who is ALWAYS there for you and can turn around an otherwise bad day . . . what would we do without friends

8) Coffee . . . most days cannot be complete without a cup of Jo, I love many different kinds of coffee and my new fav is my Keurig machine i got for Christmas as I can make a cup whenever I want

9) A Good Chick Flick . . . I have several of these that I own on DVD as I know the dialogue well enough that I can be in and out of the room and not miss anything, as a good laugh or occasional cry from a chick flick is good!

10) My Bible . . . I make time daily to take a walk through my scriptures and seem to always be able to find something that is appropriate for that day, much like my necklace from my parents at Christmas that reads - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me - Phil 4:13 - how can one not be happy and have confidence in oneself when God has confidence in us beyond our own.

Well, that was a fun exercise, I am going to tag a few people that check my blog so that they can enjoy this process - so Jane, Megan (I know you don't have a blog but enjoy thinking about it nonetheless), Melissa (post yours on Facebook) and anyone else who feels the desire.

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Hooray! I am so glad you did this, and I love your ideas. Date night is ALWAYS a good thing.