Wednesday, December 31, 2008


As we enter the time of year that resolutions are so easily and frequently tossed about and in a couple of weeks forgotten about, I thought it appropriate to share a thought about just that.

Recently when my parents were up to visit before Christmas, my Dad preached the sermon on Sunday morning at church. He preached on a different view of the "resolutions" we toss about this time of year. His encouragement to us was to look back at resolutions of the past and measure how far we got in those areas before we randomly throw out more easily forgotten and/or broken resolutions. If we are looking to make resolutions, we are indeed "resolving" to do whatever that goal is. Webster's dictionary defines "resolve" in several ways but the one that applies to resolutions at New Year's is to reach a firm decision about. That to me reads as a decision made with thought and determination not one made for just something to say.

My challenge to you on this eve of 2009 is to think about prior resolutions and what made those not work and commit yourself and "resolve" to do something you will see through to the end. It takes a person of great character to commit and stick to it! A song we sing at church has the following words that I think are appropriate as we look at the coming new year - "I am resolved no longer to linger, charmed by the world's delights, things taht are higher, things that are nobler, these have allured my sight."

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sunday Morning Food For Thought

As I look out at the snow falling this morning, I had to come up with a thought for my blog this morning. (I am trying to decide how to involve more regular blogging in my New Year's Resolution) As I took my bath, I was reading a bit in the December 29, 2008 People Magazine (one of my vices - guess they could be worse). They were interviewing President Bush on the changes upcoming in his life and his reflections on the past eight years. I know that not all agree with all he has done during his presidency (in fact, I would challenge than anyone totally agrees with ALL he has done). That being said, i had to share this quote as I thought it to be most appropriate for Sunday, a day when we all spend time with God and sharing in our common faith and morals. "I am not going to sacrifice my principles on the altar of political popularity."(George W. Bush) I challenge that we all take this to heart and use it on which to grow in ourselves and our confidence and support of our principles in all facets of our lives.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Been a while

Well, it has been a while since I have found the time to post to the blog world. Today I am relaxing in my chair under blankets with a cold and fever but I can hold my laptop.

It is a very busy time of the year at the Rogges. We have our tree up, Christmas cards were mailed last week, som presents are wrapped, shopping is done, we have visited Santa at Whaley Mansion, we saw Charlie Brown Christmas and Frosty at the movie theater yesterday and most of all - We have SNOW! Didn't get any until Friday but once it started we got about 5 inches by this morning. Today it is very cold and wind chill expected to be below zero in the next couple of days.

I have made a lot of our gifts this year and have a bit of sewing left to do. Mom and Dad arrive on Thursday. Chase has his program Wednesday morning, Mackenzie's is Friday night and Polar Express it at the theater on Saturday. Dave paid Megan to wrap presents for him but all the rest are up to me so I have that to work on this week.

Hope the holidays are going well for all of you