Monday, November 17, 2008

Good Monday Morning

After a busy week last week ending with two days at Creating Keepsakes Convention in Bellevue, I have been a little slow in catching up the blog. Today I am borrowing a couple of lines from an email I got yesterday as I think they are a good start to the week for me - I hope they are for you too!

To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.

When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hand to receive something better.

The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.

Have a good week!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Veterans Day

As I sat at church on Sunday, I reached into my new purse to find a scrap of paper to take a few notes on our excellent sermon on Hope (a welcome message after the elections), no scraps were found as I only move useful things to the new purse and leave all the scraps (trash) in the old purse. What I did run across was a little composition book (the little one that is like less than 3 Inches by 5 inches) that I had covered with cute paper and recorded thought-provoking things in exactly 2 years ago. I cannot tell you what the challenge was in life at that time but my mother had emailed me a couple of things that I felt strong enough about that I created a place to keep them (even hand writing them in it, not just printing and pasting).

Today, on a day we have our thoughts on the veterans that have given tirelessly to keep this country the free one that it is, I thought I would share one of these things from my Thought-provoking Notes book.

"How often do we say we are involved in a project or commited to a project? We may say it about our religious life, our home life, etc. The analogy I came across was both humorous & yet thought provoking. Next time you sit down to an old fashioned breakast of hand and eggs, remember this thought. When you look at the eggs, the hen practiced involvement. When you look at the ham, the pig practiced total commitment!! Are you involved or commited?" (email from Mom 11/9/06)

Wishing you all a thought provoking day as we remember the veterans in the world and those in our families as well.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Questions from a kindergartener

As most of you know I have a 5 1/2 year old son and a 4+ year old daughter. They never cease to amaze me with the questions they ask. However, lately my son has been asking some very thought-provoking questions that I do not easily have an instant answer for.

We were riding home from church this morning when he asked the first doozy of the day "Mom, if we eat food and fill our bodies with food today, then what happens with all that food so we have room to eat food tomorrow?" That was one that I had to think about for a few seconds before responding that we go potty and get rid of today's food by tomorrow.

Then after dinner tonight, he had to pose another one to me, it goes like this - "Mom, what is the difference between up and down, like when you die down here but then you are alive up there with God?" I went on to answer that your body dies here but your spirit lives up there after you die. Thankfully he was accepting of those answers thankfully.

Mackenzie, not to be outdone by her brother, posed a big one for me on Tuesday. Her's went like this - "Mommy, where do my words come from?" I replied "well, they come from your throat from your voice box and out your mouth." I thought that was a reasonable explanation for a 4 year old. She then added "but they come from my brain first Mommy!" I didn't have a reply to that.

Hope you enjoy the chuckle from these that I get to experince nearly every day.