I have recently received a request to update my blog so that the first thing seen is not my daughter's Owie from November! OK, I agree that is a reasonable request so here goes!
What had happened since November, hmmmm
The grandbaby arrived December 7, 2010 - Kyzaya Lee and we love her to death - isn't she a doll?
Christmas happened! - we skyped with my parents for Christmas this year. It was a good holiday although bittersweet as it was our first since losing Dave's Mom.
Chase turned 8 in February and he had a bowling party! How is the little chubby boy from Guatemala now a skinny 8 year old who is almost done with 2nd grade?
Spring break showed up with decent weather so we spent a few days fishing with Dad at Roses Lake.
My dad had been living with us since February and is now on his last month here doing some fill-in preaching at Brewster church of Christ. It has been a lot of fun to have him here and the kids have gotten quite used to him around all of the time. He goes home once a month to see Mamma but the kids sure miss him while he is gone - we even had to webcam last week to see him while he was gone (Mackenzie) and to see Mamma (Chase).
The guys have done a lots of fishing at Roses Lake since the beginning of April and my freezer can prove it as I think they are at between 80 and 90 trout since 4/1/11 and they are headed out today for more!!
Mackenzie will be 7 in less than 3 weeks and she is growing like a weed! She is noticeably taller than Chase now!