Well, yesterday was not a good day for me. Started out OK but I got in the van a little after 1 pm to go donate blood and promptly backed into Dave's Tbird. Oops! Nothing that is not repairable but nonetheless kind of ruined my day. Dave was very understanding and didn't even yell. The tbird is like another child to him so I knew he would be upset but he was happy no one was hurt and promptly went and got estimates to repair both vehicles.
Chase is down to 5 days left of school this year. It seems to fly by anymore. Kenzie will start preschool too in the fall. She will be 3 years old next Monday. Doesn't seem possible that 3 years ago today we would have never thought of being able to get another child and then the next day we got the phone call about her and she was here in 5 days. What a blessing she has been in our life.
Will have to catch up some more later but had to post something today and will get back on the blog wagon for good hopefully!