Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The "Isms" of Childhood

Both of the kids have their little peculiar words and phrases but every once in a while one of them pops up with a new one that I love.

Today Chase was tattling on his sister (nothing new) and in the story he was meaning to tell me that she did not put her dishes in the dishwasher after breakfast but what he said was "Sissy did not put her stuff in the washdish." So that is the Chaseism for the day.

Kenzie, never to be outdone by anyone let alone her brother, came up with hers at Walmart. We were shopping for a few groceries and decided to get some Halloween decorations and decorate the house while Daddy was at work and Chase was at school. She found this collapsible spider that was about 20+ inches tall and three dimensional that she wanted to get to hang in the house. I told her no that Mamma wouldn't like that when she comes to visit, to which Mackenzie replied "But Mommy, doesn't Mamma know that they are just pretend." So we had a Mackenzieism today too! How do you respond to that logic when we have spent a lot of time at home and at Disneyland reminding her that scary stuff is just pretend so she doesn't need to be scared, then she turns your own logic around on you.

Last night we babysat Rylee for a few hours so Jill and Keith could go watch Adam's football game in Winthrop and enjoy the evening alone on their 19th wedding anniversary. The kids had so much fun with her. Chase was so careful and helped her play and watched out for her. Kenzie and I got their Halloween costumes in Wenatchee yesterday so of course they had to try them on and Rylee was feeling a little left out so I ran downstairs and was able to Chase's Mickey Mouse costume from 3 years ago and it fit her so they had a lot of fun (as you can see in the pictures). Rylee got started eating my dried apples and LOVED them but they did not love her so we had a rough half hour while she dealt with a tummy ache - thank goodness for Mylicon drops!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

New Songs

Mackenzie has always been my singer and she is not letting me down. She has had acapella kids bible songs on CD that she loves to listen to in the car for quite a while. When we were at Disneyland, I bought the Disneyland soundtrack and the Electric Parade soundtrack so those have been popular since we got back from California. Now she is in preschool and learning new songs at school and some of them are meant to remind them of what they are doing at school so if she is repeating that activity at home or anywhere else, she immediately starts to sing as she would at school. I am amazed at how she knows them in only 4 days of preschool.

Now whenever she is washing her hands (which used to be a messy and disorganized process) she sings this little tune and stays right on track with what she is doing with very limited mess.

Tops and bottoms

Tops and bottoms

In between

In between

All around your hand

All around your hand

Now they're clean

Now they're clean.

She had been doing that one for several days and this morning she added a new one when Chase and I were in the living room with her that is her good morning song at school. She is so tickled at singing the songs and doesn't want any help in singing them.

I am just happy she has learned some new songs so I can quit hearing "It's A Small World" over and over and over. Now, if Chase can get off the kick of singing "Heffalumps and Woozles" over and over, then I will regain my sanity.

Aunt Lissa (my sister) is now nearly 38 weeks pregnant and very ready to have this baby. She is uncomfortable to say the least but is trying to be patient. Never did any of us dream she would carry this baby this long. She has served it an eviction notice for October 3rd when she has a C section scheduled. The kids and I are looking forward to the baby's arrival and will head over to Seattle the first weekend after it arrives. They do not find out the sex of the baby so it will be a surprise for all of us.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Busy Mommy Times

Boy does life change for Mommy once both kids are in school and other activities. Five days a week I take Chase to the candy store at 9 AM so Daddy can walk him the block and a half to school. Chase loves to have Daddy walk him to and fom school. Mommy is allowed to take him to the candy store in the "Mommy Bus" - which is defined as whichever vehicle I am driving that day - but Daddy does the walking to school. Even if Daddy is off work when it is time to pick Chase us, he is required to walk down and get him so they can walk back and then get in the truck to come home. Some days Chase lets Kenzie and I take him to school but I have mixed emotions about this situation as his school has a pet snake - yes, I said snake - named Ambrose. It is a corn snake, but the kids call it a popcorn snake. They both LOVE this snake. It is in a 30 gallon fish tank with a top and all but I am not fond of it. It has to be about 2+ feet long and I just don't like it. Both kids have to run immediately to visit Ambrose and they really like to drag Mommy to see it. I have taken pictures of them next to him and believe it or not, it didn't break my camera. His teacher has tried to convince me that it is perfectly harmless and no more dangerous than a suffed snake - I had to convey to her that my kids get entertainment out of chasing me around the Variety Store with the stuffed snakes as I don't like those either. I have tried to tell them that I have come a long, long way in just being in the same room and going near the cage. The moral of this is that I am OK with Daddy taking him to AND from school if it keeps me from having to be pleasant and cordial to Ambrose.

Kenzie enjoys her school two mornings a week and really enjoys her time with Mommy without Chase every day of the week. She LOVES to bake and wants to bake something nearly every day. She really likes to run the Kitchen Aid mixer but I think her favorite part is licking the beater - thanks Mom for teaching her about that, now I don't get any beaters.

I get to spend at least one day a month in each of their classrooms. My first one is this Wednesday in Kenzie's school so I am looking forward to that. She is a little apprehensive about me leaving each time at school so maybe it will be easier if I do stay once in a while.

Kenzie also takes Dance Class in Creative Movement here in Chelan and she just loves it. She is excited to have something that is just hers. She loves to be all dressed up in her little leotard and ballet shoes. She is a very tired girl by bedtime on Thursday as her dance class is 45 minutes long and they are moving nonstop that whole time. The first week was Under the Sea, last week was In The Garden and this week is Teddy Bear Picnic.

Chase is looking forward to October 10th which is Grandfriends Day at school and if all goes right, Dramma and Papa will be able to be at school with him for that event.

Long football day today at our house with a nail-biter for Seattle, but they pulled it off. Kenzie was intrigued by Daddy yelling at the TV about things so when he yelled that they finally scored a touchdown, she looked at him and said "you mean the actually scored." She is her Daddy's girl. If he was outside for a big play, I would tell her what to tell him and off she went. She told him "we got a fumble" and he said "are you sure you know what happened" and she said "I told you we got a fumble" with her little hands on her hips like she was not fond of him questioning whether she was up on it or not.

Go Hawks!! Better luck next week for the Huskies (but USC is going to be tough)!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Back to School

Chase Back to School
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You Belong in Rome

You're a big city soul with a small town heart
Which is why you're attracted to the romance of Rome
Strolling down picture perfect streets, cappuccino in hand
And gorgeous Italian people - could life get any better?

Sunday, September 2, 2007